Nirmala Arogya Kendra
A complete healthcare unit under one roof
- Acupuncture.
- Yoga Therapy.
- Physiotherapy.
- Doctor’s Clinic
- Training Center
About NAK
Fitness and health are major concerns in this era of modernization where increasing pollution, hectic schedule, irregular food habits, competition and stress have incorporated various chronic disorders in human body. At Nirmala Arogya Kendra (we are enlisted under Govt. of West-Bengal Health) we primarily focus at lifelong pain management aiding to adopt a balanced lifestyle. Here the Patients are treated under the guidance of medical professionals and fitness training programmes are conducted according to individual need.
The faculty, staff and students of the NAK Training Academy are committed to improving the well-being of individuals, families, communities and populations through our physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Yoga programming, collaborative research and strong community partnerships.
Our Mission is to educate health workers who excel; inspire through research and discovery that advances knowledge and practice; and improve the health and wellness of the diverse communities we serve, through collaboration and innovation.
Our vision is to lead regionally, nationally and internationally in collaborative, inclusive Yoga and Naturopathy education, research, and service that advances health, policy, and practice.
“Our mission is to deliver the highest quality healthcare experience for patients.”
Dr Tapas Das
Director, Nirmala Arogya Kendra
Ph.D, Sports and Allied Science , BPT,D.Acu, PG FLM (Apollo Hospital), Felowship in Cardiac Rahabilitation. PT, Acupuncture & Yoga Naturopathy Physician (Govt. Of WB)
Phone No: 7439877346 / 9831020106
Email Id:
Doctors in Nirmala Arogya Kendra are highly qualified, well experienced, and considered to be one of the best doctors in Kolkata.
To get good result in any treatment proper diet chart is very much important along with medicine if needed. Consult our specialist doctors today.
We are Authorized Collection Center of Apollo Diagnostic.
In Nirmala Arogyoa Kendra, Physiotherapy Dept Guided by renowned Orthopedic Consultant and highly experienced and skilled Physiotherapist.
High Quality & Professional Yoga Clinic. Customized Instruction For Every Student
Treat yourself with combination of Orthopedic Physiotherapy and Acupuncture treatment and ask them who has experienced and left their suffering far behind.
Acupuncture therapy is popular all over the world. In Nirmala Arogya Kendra we provide world class Acupuncture treatment.Come and see the magical result of Acupuncture, if you are suffering from acute or chronic pain or diseases.
Nirmala Arogya Kendra in Collaboration with Tollygunge Institute of Physical Therapy and Research Centre going to take admission to various Certificate/Diploma/Degree/PG Diploma course on Yoga and Naturopathy and Allied Health Science.
All courses under UGC approved University.
A Complete healthcare unit under one roof
Nirmala Arogya Kendra
A Simple, Affordable Approach to Health Care
"To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."~ Buddha, 563 BC to 483 BC
"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. "~ Edward Smith-Stanley, 1752-1834
"Without health, life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering." ~ Francois Rabelais, 1494 – 1553